Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Evan Tanner's Last Blog Entry (Never Published)

“It’s Tuesday night. Tomorrow I go out into the desert. It has taken over a month to get all the gear together. The preparation for this adventure took far longer than I had expected. I’ve never done this before, so I took my time reading books, studying the land, and researching gear. A few weeks of solitude in the deep desert, and then back to civilization, and back to training.”

Spike uncovered this draft that Tanner never published. RIP Evan Tanner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still can't quite come to grips with the fact that he's gone.

I can't remember ever feeling this sad for any athlete.

Or missing one so bad...

Induct Evan Tanner posthumously into the UFC Hall of Fame, where he belongs !